Admissions open for the academic year 2025 - 2026

About Pallavi Aware International School, Saroornagar

"Knowledge is Liberation." With this guiding motto, Pallavi Aware International School, Saroornagar, has been dedicated to nurturing exceptional students who contribute to creating an extraordinary society. Owned by the Delhi Intellectual Society since 2018. Over the years, it has maintained high standards of academic excellence, complemented by an advanced curriculum and diverse facilities such as sports amenities, well-stocked libraries, modern laboratories, and artistic programs. With a legacy spanning 30+ years, the institution continues to flourish as a premier educational hub, inspiring young minds and fostering a brighter future.

With a legacy spanning over three decades and a network of 20+ schools across Hyderabad, we are proud to stand among the city’s top institutions. Beyond academic excellence, we prioritize the holistic development of each child, nurturing their interests and encouraging them to reach their highest potential. By fostering collaboration between parents and teachers, we guide our students to become self-reliant and productive members of society.

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Admission Enquiry

Upcoming Events


Farewel Party for Gr.X &
Open Day for Gr.I to VIII


International Women's Day


Consumer's Right Day


Holi Special assembly


National Science Day

School Accolades

Best CBSE Schools in Hyderabad
Best CBSE Schools in Hyderabad

When It’s Overall Development,

We Are Your First Choice

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Sports Facilities

 Trophy Icon


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Student Approach

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Intelligence Labs



Communication Skills

Skills Training


Few commonly asked questions and also all your doubts are cleared below

We accept online admissions across all branches. Head over to the your nearest branch website and go to admissions page. Read the instructions and apply online. We are available on call too to clear your doubts/enquiries.

We follow CBSE curriculum and we do cross-collaboration projects with other schools in various countries.

Nursery Child should be 2.5 years of age as on 31st March of the year seeking for admission
PP1 Child should be 3.5 years of age as on 31st March of the year seeking for admission
PPII Child should be 4.5 years of age as on 31st March of the year seeking for admission
Grade I Child should be 5.5 years of age as on 31st March of the year seeking for admission
Grade II Child should be 6.5 years of age as on 31st March of the year seeking for admission
Grade III Child should be 7.5 years of age as on 31st March of the year seeking for admission
Grade IV Child should be 8.5 years of age as on 31st March of the year seeking for admission
Grade V Child should be 9.5 years of age as on 31st March of the year seeking for admission
Grade VI Child should be 10.5 years of age as on 31st March of the year seeking for admission
Grade VII Child should be 11.5 years of age as on 31st March of the year seeking for admission
Grade VIII Child should be 12.5 years of age as on 31st March of the year seeking for admission
Grade IX Child should be 13.5 years of age as on 31st March of the year seeking for admission

Admission process begins from the first week of November every year


Our Branches